Saturday, August 28, 2010

"Does this outfit make me look fat?"

Fat days: we all have them.  In fact, I’m swimming in one as we speak.

Mother Nature graciously handed me my monthly gift one week early this month, so I’m preparing for a handful of them, at least. 

These days of extra bloat (or burger) are when you really want an outfit that’s going to make you feel extra-gorgeous. Unfortunately for you, that outfit you spent half your paycheck on last week specifically for days like this now makes you look like a pregnant hooker (go ahead- take a minute to picture that).

Fortunately, I’m here with a few simple rules to help:

Rule #1: Nix the Gym Wear

I know your first instinct is to grab the loosest item of clothing you own, throw it on, and pray for the day to end, but hiding behind a curtain isn’t going to solve your problem. In fact, it’s going to make you look even bigger.

Instead, go for something with structure like a blazer or a wide belt over a long, collared shirt.

(picture courtesy of

Rule #2: Black Isn’t the Only Color

We all know that black is slimming and if you’re content with that then rock it! However, if you want a little bit more variety (especially if you’re dealing with consecutive fat-days like me) then opt for a navy blue or deep violet to even out the color palette a little bit.

Another option is to add a brightly colored scarf, jewelry, or hair accessory to your sea of black (which is great to do even on non-fat days!).

(picture courtesy of Google images: Rachel Bilson)

Rule #3: Think Light, Be Light

Lightweight clothing does wonders for your body and body-image. You’ll not only look thinner, but you’ll feel thinner, too.

Flowing summer dresses give this effect perfectly.

(picture courtesy of

Rule #4: Pile On the Miles

Heels, heels, and more heels. The higher the better. Heels add height. We all know that the taller you are the more you can weigh without looking “fat”. Obviously, your body fat doesn’t actually shift when you tack on a four-inch stiletto, but the illusion works just as well.

(picture courtesy of

So, the next day you're packing on a few extra pounds don't let it ruin your fashion day. Just follow my rules and strut your stuff like the hottie you are!



Kimberly Allison said...

love love love your posts thus far <3 & your humor haha. love you & hope to see you soon, my samchilabinggg!!!!

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